「ウィルソン・フィリップス(リマスター)」ウィルソン・フィリップス曲目リストディスク: 11Hold On2Release Me3Impulsive4Next To You (Someday I’ll Be)5You’re In Love6Over And Over7A Reason To Believe8Ooh You’re Gold9Eyes Like Twins10The Dream Is Still Alive11Hold On (A Cappella)ディスク: 21Release Me (Single Edit)2Hold On (Single Fade)3Impulsive (AOR Mix)4Impulsive (Single Edit)5Impulsive (Album Version Edit)6Mi Sueno Vive Aun (The Dream Is Still Alive) (Spanish Version)7Otro Amor (You’re In Love) (Spanish Radio Version)8Otro Amor (You’re In Love) (Spanish Version)9The Dream Is Still Alive (Radio Edit)10The Dream Is Still Alive (Spanglish Version)11You’re In Love (Single Radio Edit)12Hotel California (Live In Japan)13Hold On (Live In Japan)14Conversation With Wilson Phillips And Producer Glen Ballardシュリンク未開封新品。値引き、初期不良、返品の対応はできませんので、よくご検討の上ご購入よろしくお願いいたします。